Anderson, Peggy L., & Corbett, LeAnn. (2008). Literature Circles for Students With Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School & Clinic, 44, (1), 25-33.
From their research, the authors have learned though teachers in general education classrooms have recognize the benefits of using literature circles in the classroom, teachers in the special education classroom are less likely to use the strategy. Research shows literature circles increase oral language, reading, and writing skills. When literature circles are used students with learning disabilities are actively involved in their own learning. The authors explain what literature circles are, how they work, teacher involvement, and student involvement. They feel that the student with learning disabilities develop many important skills for further reading development such as accountability, critical thinking, and organization.
Boyle, Joseph R., (2008). Reading Strategies for Students With Mild Disabilities. Intervention in School & Clinic, 44, (1), 3-9.
Through his research, Joseph Boyle points out that most students with disabilities show poor performance on phonological tasks, which predict the success of reading fluency. His article reminds teachers that phonological awareness activities, sight words, and connected reading must be presented before, during, and after reading to ensure success. The author suggests that direct instruction may be useful for the student if the teacher correctly models the skill or strategy. Boyle also gives proven techniques and strategies for word identification to be used at different reading stages. He explains the importance of phonological awareness, syllabication, structural analysis, and the DISSECT strategy to develop fluency for students with disabilities.
Finstein, Rita F., Jones, Rachelle, & Yang, Fei Yao, (2007). 20 Ways To… Build Organizational Skills in Students With Learning Disabilities. Intervention in School & Clinic, 42, (3), 174-178.
The authors stress the need of direct instruction for the development of organizational skills for students with learning disabilities. They suggest the development of organizational skills can lead to the emotional well being of the child. The authors walk both educators and parents through the twenty steps: in the child, working with one another, posting information, using checklists, using a calendar, agenda, and planner, pairing with other students, using scripts, post reminders, keep everything in its place, determining what is needed for classes, establish routines, well organized notebook, reminder bracelets, titling assignments, guided practice, open communication between student and teacher, mentoring programs, and IEP goals that address organization. The authors believe if all of these steps are properly implemented, then the student will become more organized. This will lead to the improvement of overall success with the student with learning disabilities.
Martin, Don, Martin, Magy, & Carvalho, Kathleen. (2008). Reading and Learning-Disabled Children: Understanding the Problem. The Clearing House, 81, (3), 113-117.
The authors suggest that the majority of students with learning disabilities have developmental delays in reading, and there is not enough research on effective reading programs to address the problem. They suggest the implementation of both phonemic and whole-language instruction to teach students decoding skills, fluency, and comprehension. Because each student has specific needs, the instruction must address these needs to be effective. Their research shows a direct correlation between poor readers at both elementary and secondary levels. The authors suggests that because reading affects all subject areas, students with learning disabilities often associate negativity with reading, which further hinders the fostering of positive reading skills and behaviors. Their research has also shown that students with learning disabilities often have difficulties with both sequencing and processing. The authors suggest various instructional approaches for the student with learning disabilities to alleviate shame, frustration, and embarrassment, which can lead to academic success.
Steele, Marcee M. (2008). Helping Students with Learning Disabilities Succeed. The Science Teacher, 75, 38-42.
From her research, the author states that many students with learning disabilities take general education science classes, but have difficulty succeeding in the classes or passing the testing required by No Child Left Behind. Various processing disorders cause difficulties with science tasks especially those, which involve higher-order tasks. The authors feel that classroom modifications can be made to assist students with learning disabilities in their success in the science classroom. The author includes various researched and proven modifications, such as, lectures and class time, textbook readings, and homework assignments to help the student to help them focus on learning the material. This will help build a foundation that can carry the student through high stakes testing and improving their overall performance.
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